Monday, February 27, 2012

Refrigerator Face Lift- CHALKBOARD PAINT!

I thought up this idea when I was pretty tired of covering up my refrigerator with the everyday bills, coupons and random other items of nonsense- Just to mask the ugly fridge beneath.
The fridge works great and I am no fan of throwing something out that is not broken. So I gave it a much needed face lift. Plus the best part is that it is a great place for my son to draw and display his school projects!

If your going to do this, be sure to score the surface with Scotch brite. That way the chalkboard paint will adhere to the fridge's slick surface. Apply 3 coats of paint, waiting 3-4 hours in between. Lastly, once the fridge is dry- wait 3 days before drawing with chalk.


After the first coat of paint



  1. This is such a great idea! I love everything you and Chad are putting creative and talented!

  2. very cool! did you take the handle off the fridge (or is it painted and just hard to tell)?
