Saturday, February 18, 2012

ROBOTS Attack!

When we found out that we were expecting a baby boy, we needed to come up with a super cute nursery theme. Why dont we make it Robots & Monsters? (The cute, sweet kind of course!) So Chad, the darling dad that he is went to work on making a one of a kind lamp to put upon the babies dresser.

This little robot lamp was constructed out of misc. items found in our garage. So many things can be used to create a robot, so have fun finding items that you already have around your home. The electrical aspect of the lamp was purchased all constructed and the robot was wired to the lamp base.

His head is made from a cleaned-out oil can. The eyes are fluid caps from a paint gun and his torso is metal cup.

The legs and neck are made from old bicycle parts. We removed the seat and the springs created super cute and comical legs. We added a heart for love!

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